Thursday, 16 August 2018

Exam results time

It's exam results time, and all across the country youngsters, and their parents, are anxiously awaiting the news.

In my day, you had to wait for the Post to arrive to find out how you'd got on - now I guess while some collect them in person, others find out by e-mail or text.

I'm always reminded of my school's exams officer at this time of year.  A formidable lady, Miss C was also kind, extremely efficient and our typing teacher.

One of her expressions has remained with me to this day - 'use a bit of gumption'.

I recall the first time she told our typing class this phrase, some people turning to each other and asking 'what's gumption?', or 'isn't that like Jif cleaner, does she want us to clean the desks?', which is probably one of the reasons she felt the need to say it to us on such a regular basis!

Gumption is common sense, sadly lacking sometimes in all walks of life, although to give a bit of credit to some of my typing class I do think it's also some kind of branded cleaning product as well.

I don't think it's something that can be formally taught, it's usually passed on by family and friends, or by learning from experience and mistakes.

Often the cleverest people just don't have it - their brains are so full of really mind-blowing technical information that there's just no room for the common sense necessities of life.

The reason I'm mentioning this now, is that while exam results are important, they are not the be all and end all, as my mother would say.

Using your common sense - gumption - and working hard, can also help you achieve and get on in life.

So for any young people out there who haven't got the exam results they wanted, please don't worry.  Please talk to somebody if you're upset.  You can always re-sit if you need to - you're young, you have plenty of time. 

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