Thursday, 9 July 2015

'If wet in Village Hall' - the Great British Summer Fete

The Summer Fete/Flower Festival season is in full swing.

It's just a pity that the weather doesn't always play ball with the array of outdoor events planned for what should be a glorious English Summer (yes, I'm aware we've had a mini heatwave, but sadly it won't last!)

All too often whilst driving through our corner of Northamptonshire I see a sign advertising the village fete, accompanied by another one stating 'if wet in Village Hall'.

I think that should become our motto - that sign carries with it a sense that we resign ourselves to the fact that the fate of our summer outings relies upon the weather, and we just adapt and carry on regardless.

We went to the Harringworth Fete the other weekend.  It was dry when we set off, but upon arrival - you've guessed it - the heavens opened and it rained quite heavily.

Fortunately, one of the lovely ladies organising it lent us an umbrella, so we remained dry as we perused the stalls, had tea and cake and listened to the Gretton Silver Band playing Singing In the Rain, appropriately enough, amongst other tunes.

I even managed to win a bottle of gin on the bottle raffle, and I thought our run of bad luck on the tombola had changed when my daughter managed to produce a ticket ending in a five.

However she did look a little crestfallen when she was presented with a tin of Essential Waitrose borlotti beans.  Still, a win's a win and they're now sitting in my pantry while I decide into which recipe they'll be incorporated.

There was a coconut shy, face painting, and a 'treasure hunt' where you had to  guess where a £50 note was buried - never have I stared at a patch of grass for so long trying to see the slightest disturbance!

The viaduct looked its usual magnificent self, even in the rain, and I did think to myself how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the county.

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