Saturday, 30 August 2014

Brookfield protest - still waiting for a decision...

On Tuesday evening (19th August) there was a large gathering of people wearing green outside The Corby Cube.

It was a peaceful protest about the plans to destroy 50 hectares (120 acres, or approx 70 football pitches) of trees on the outskirts of Corby to create the controversial 'resource recovery park'.

The protesters were a varied bunch, some very young, some young at heart, but all united by a common purpose - to save the trees.

The protest was timed to coincide with the Brookfield decision meeting, however this turned out to be the Brookfield deferral meeting.

The developer got his wish and left the council with no choice but to defer their decision after new information was produced by his agents late Friday afternoon.

Undeterred, the protesters still attended to send a clear message to Corby Council and the developer that this development is not wanted.

I doesn't matter what PR spin the developer tries to put on it, destroying this designated Local Wildlife Site is just wrong.

Empty promises of jobs won't fool us either - we've heard it all before.  Anyone remember Stanion Plantation?  What happened to the trees there, and for what?  We don't want the same thing to happen at Brookfield.

Despite the meeting being held in the summer holidays when many families are away, the council chamber's public gallery was packed out with protesters. I can't imagine that happens often.

Apparently the planning development committee still had to meet to hear why they needed to defer the decision and then vote on the deferral.

So, having all trooped up about three flights of stairs, sat in the Council Chamber - which reminded me of a cross between an exam hall and a 1970s dining room - there was a discussion, then a vote, and we then heard that the decision was indeed to be deferred, and we all left again.  It was over in less than 30 minutes.

But we'll all be back, having studied the new information, and there'll be even more of us next time.  Hopefully we might actually get a decision then.  I'll let you know...

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