Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Brookfield - it ain't over 'til it's over...

After nearly two years of waiting, at what will no doubt be a packed Council Chamber at The Corby Cube at 7pm on Tuesday 19th August, the decision whether or not to grant planning permission for the 'resource recovery park' at Brookfield Plantation will be made.

Despite reading that refusal is being recommended on technical grounds, I for one won't be happy until we know for certain that the future of the wildlife and the trees is secure.

Now is not the time for complacency - remember, in the words of Lenny Kravitz, 'it ain't over till it's over'.  My concern is that 'technicalities' can be overcome if you have enough money, time and determination. 

On the day of this meeting the campaigners against the development will hold a peaceful demonstration at 6.30pm outside The Cube as a reminder to the Councillors that this is not a popular application.

'Not a popular application' is a huge understatement - the council's report says: "the planning application has been one of the most controversial applications in Corby Borough Council's history with over 350 individual objections and a petition with over 1000 signatures."

Many of the campaigners will be taking their children too, as this affects their futures.  None of them want to see the trees and wildlife replaced by concrete.  They care about Chalky the white stag, the great crested newts and all the other creatures living happily among the trees.

With regards to jobs being created by the proposed scheme, various numbers have been claimed by the developer.  However, how can any of these can be substantiated when no details of businesses signing up to the 'resource recovery park' can be given?  Plus, with numerous brownfield sites available, why not create jobs there?  Why destroy this area rich in flora and fauna?

Ultimately, for me the question is how can anyone even contemplate losing this designated Local Wildlife Site, complete with a wide range of protected species - an area that Corby Council pledged to protect - replacing it with a 'resource recovery park', whatever that might include?

We can only hope that the Councillors make the right decision...

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