Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Local elections - Thursday 4th May

'Oh no, not another one!' - I think Brenda from Bristol spoke for most of us with her reaction to the announcement of the snap General Election.

Yes, it's time for 'one more car, any more riders?' and jumping back on the rollercoaster that we've been riding pretty much on and off since 2015, what with the General Election, then the Referendum, and now another General Election.

My 'theme park face' is firmly in place - you may recall from a previous column me talking about the rictus grin I've been wearing for what seems like an eternity now, but you can still see the terror in my eyes.

Mr Trump's White House and the North Korea situation is doing nothing to ease my anxiety and relax my jaw either.

But by the time you read this, you'll hopefully all be heading to vote in the local county council elections, or will have already submitted a postal vote.

I say hopefully, because I appreciate that we're all a little bit fatigued with politics.

But, as my Grandmother used to say, if you don't vote you can't complain about what you get, so please do find the time to go and do it.

This is especially important for younger people - please do engage and put your 'X' in a box as these people make decisions which affect your future.

Also, a personal plea to women of all ages - suffragettes died for you to have the right to vote, please let their sacrifice mean something and remember that there are some places where women don't have this opportunity.  It's important we have our say in the democratic process.

Parents, please take your children with you and let them see what goes on in the Polling Station so going to vote becomes as natural a process for them as going to the shops, Doctor or Dentist etc.

It's important that we all have our say - Polling Stations are open until 10pm, so go and exercise your democratic rights.

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