Thursday, 9 February 2017

There's only one Kylie

There are some celebs so famous that they are instantly recognisable and known by one name alone.

For example, exhibit A, from the world of music - Madonna, Cher, Beyonce, Rihanna, Gaga and Prince.  Exhibit B, the celeb cooks - Delia, Nigella and Jamie.

It doesn't quite work for some people though - when it comes to Cheryl I'm afraid I'm left asking 'Cheryl who?', and I assure you no disrespect is intended.  It's just that I've always known her as Tweedy or Cole or Flipflop Versace or whatever it was; as just Cheryl alone it doesn't quite work.

And then there's Kylie.  In my mind, there's only one Kylie, and that's the diminutive diva from Down Under, whom we all adore.

Whether as Charlene, the tomboy motor mechanic in 1980s Neighbours, or the gold hot-pant-clad musical minx from her Spinning Around days, there's only one person worthy of being known as just Kylie.

Which leads me to the news that there's a pretender to the pocket-sized pop princess's single moniker throne in the guise of one of the Kardashians, a certain Miss Kylie Jenner.

Now, I can't say I've ever watched an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and I don't know much about them except a picture of one of their posteriors 'broke' the internet (and yes, my husband did comment that the only way my rear would break the internet was if I sat on it; oh how I laughed, hollowly).

Kylie Jenner has tried to trademark her first name so that she can use it for merchandise etc in the USA.  This is patently ridiculous (pardon the pun), and the original Kylie lodged a complaint as she already uses it for marketing purposes.  It appears the two Kylies may have now reached some sort of settlement, as yet undisclosed.

It's similar though to Victoria Beckham trying to stop Peterborough United trademarking the 'Posh' nickname they've been known as for many years.  Perhaps these people should stop and ask themselves 'who was known as this first?' before trying to prevent somebody using their own name.

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