musical girl group do you belong in?' screamed the headline, so I thought I'd
give it a go. It was either that or get
back to doing some actual work and I was feeling easily distracted.
on my answers - and I'm sure with no scientific basis whatsoever - I belong in
The Spice Girls.
be honest, I was hoping for Bananarama or The Bangles as The Spice Girls phenomenon
completely passed me by; 1996 was the year I graduated from University, and my
musical tastes were more of the Indie variety.
that I'm knocking The Spice Girls - I can't dispute their success and the
longevity of some of their careers, it's just that I wouldn't want to be one.
comes down to the 'character' associations: I could probably be Scary, in fact
given the correct circumstances I could definitely
be scary, at a push Posh, not Royal-family posh, but as posh as Victoria but in
a more smiley, friendly way.
is out of the question (I'm mid-forties, that would be weird) and Sporty isn't
going to work for me either - I'm not really a 'leisurewear as outdoor wear'
type of person. Neither can I do those
backflips - not that I've tried, I don't think the NHS could cope with the injuries
I'd cause myself and bystanders should such a manoeuvre be undertaken!
the main problem is that I'd end up being Ginger Spice.
hideous flashbacks to all the names I've been called by growing up red-headed,
I don't think I could cope with this moniker.
that very tight, short Union Jack dress really wouldn't suit me - unless it can
work as a tunic, with jeans and Doc Martens?
no, I don't think I'll be shouting 'Girl Power' and joining The Spice Girls for
their rumoured 2016 reunion tour.
also note any suggestions of 'Old Spice' will not be welcomed!
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