Thursday, 22 January 2015

Harry Hill's Stars In Their Eyes

Have you noticed how the use of a narrator in a TV programme can elevate it to a whole new level?

Exhibit A being Come Dine With Me, which is in essence a collection of mismatched characters dodging food poisoning while imbibing copious amounts of alcohol.  But Dave Lamb's commentary somehow makes the difference, and turns it into an entertaining show.

Similarly You've Been Framed.  This had become a mundane collection of mildly amusing home movies of people injuring themselves.  But behold, with the addition of a Harry Hill voiceover, it became funny; laugh out loud, bring tears to the eyes funny.

I still miss TV Burp from our Saturday night TV schedule.  This weekly dissection of programmes was hilarious, and the attention to detail made you look at shows you'd watched for ages in a whole new light.

I was therefore delighted to hear that Harry Hill was going to take over hosting Stars In Their Eyes.

I watched it when it was presented by Leslie Crowther - yes, I am that old - I also fondly remember the Matthew Kelly days, complete with the immortal phrase 'tonight Matthew I'm going to be...'

Surely having Mr Hill at the helm was taking a good show and making it great?  How could it fail?  Harry, swirling mist, turning ordinary people into singing stars - all the ingredients were there.

I dutifully tuned in on the first Saturday evening it was on - it's very different to the original show, but I enjoyed it.

My favourite performer of that evening was the eventual winner 'Christina Aguilera', but I also thought 'Kylie' and 'Eminem' were good. 

When I'd worked out the chap was going to be 'Eminem' I'd said to my family that I hoped he'd sing Lose Yourself, as that's my favourite Eminem song.

My daughter looked at me with a mixture of surprise and horror and said 'You've got a favourite Eminem song?!' - I'm not sure how I should take that really!

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