Thursday, 16 October 2014

First Aid courses

I was really pleased to hear that my daughter was taking part in a first aid course at school.

I've long thought that this is the sort of useful information everybody needs to know, and it's great that basic first aid techniques are now being taught to children.

Safety was emphasised to them, and they've been told not to practice the Heimlich manoeuvre on each other - they've seen Mrs Doubtfire and the scene where Robin Williams saves Pierce Brosnan's character's life by throwing him around like a rag-doll.  But they've been warned that you can really injure people if you don't do it correctly.

I took a 'first aid at work' course a long time ago - there was lots to learn and remember, but I enjoyed it.

One of the reasons I'd volunteered to do it was because I was in a pub one evening when another customer started choking on their meal.  Sadly, somehow nobody there was first aid trained and none of us knew what to do. 

They were coughing and gasping for breath for what seemed like ages, and then eventually coughed up the offending article.  They were OK, but the incident made me think that we all should have some first aid knowledge for such an occurrence.

I never needed my first aid training at the workplace that sent me on it, but it's come in very useful several times since. 

The first time was when my father-in-law was bitten by a dog on the inner thigh - there was nobody else available, so I dealt with it in a very efficient manner, we just don't mention it (until now)!

I've also known what to do and dealt with people during and post-seizure, various burns and wounds, and other minor health crises. 

In fact, my first aid training was called upon twice in the last few weeks, and I was glad I had some knowledge to be able to assist.  I would recommend that everybody do a course if you get the chance.

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