We’ve all heard the expression ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’.
Can I take the liberty of adding another to the list?
How about ‘planning puff’?
Yes, I’m talking about the proposed development at Brookfield Plantation again, and will keep talking about it until this matter is finally settled and the herd of deer, red kites, possible great crested newts and watervoles can carry on their happy existence undisturbed.
Please can local people wake up and be realistic about the number of possible jobs?
The application contains proverbial ‘planning puff’ when it comes to employment, based on multiplying a set figure by the square meterage of the site, rather than actual companies estimating actual, real-life, paying jobs.
We’ve heard it all before in Corby – huge warehouses are built, never let, or if they are, they employ a handful of people, not many of whom live locally.
How many acres of trees were destroyed off the Geddington Road , and for what? The site stands empty, employing nobody.
Scandalous for the environment - we must not allow this to happen at the Brookfield Plantation.
Remember Chalky the white deer and his friends* – SAY NO TO THE RESOURCE RECOVERY PLANT! DO NOT BE FOOLED BY FALSE PROMISES OF 3000 JOBS!!
* For those who don't live locally, Chalky is a white stag who lives in the Brookfield Plantation. There's a story on the Northants Telegraph website about him - here's the link:
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