read a quote from John Stuart Mill someone had posted on Twitter - 'Bad men
need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and
do nothing.' In fairness, this is very
similar to another favourite of mine from Edmund Burke - 'The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'
neatly sum up for me why we should all vote.
We need to keep our politicians in check. They need to be reminded that they serve us,
not the other way around.
get the Governments that they deserve.
Realistically, if you don't vote, then you can't complain about who you
end up with.
The rise of UKIP over recent years has been interesting/worrying, depending on your viewpoint.
party which David Cameron dismissed as 'fruitcakes, loons and closet racists'
has apparently gained popularity with a disillusioned public who felt the mainstream
parties weren't listening to their concerns.
leads me onto Europe, and the question should we stay or should we go?
I'm not sure. Is it even possible for us
to untangle ourselves from the EU, even if that's what the majority of people
in this country want?
not sure if it's desirable either - are we better off being in there, having a
say, than sitting on the outside looking in?
we leave the EU how will that affect businesses and trade? Will we see companies leaving Britain and
re-locating to mainland Europe?
need unbiased information on which to base a decision, but who can we trust to
give us this? I wish I knew - it seems everybody
has their own agenda. Answers on a
postcard please...